How to use Custom Fields

Video - Custom Field Templates

The Administrator can create any number of custom fields that are used for the descriptions in Building and Units. This entails a dynamically growing database where the Administrator has ability to add fields, selecting field type as a Text field or Image field etc.

These custom fields can then be pulled through to email templates. 

Add Custom Field template

1 - Go to Admin, Templates and select Custom Field Templates.

2 - You will be shown a list of existing Custom Field Templates. Select Add Custom Field Template to create a new one.

3 - A custom field can be either a simple text field, or it can be a file that is uploaded.

4 - It can be either for Units or for Buildings. Which ever you chose, note that this custom field will hence after appear on ALL Units or Buildings.

5 - For example, you may want to store the information about Wifi codes per unit. Here we've created a custom field called Wifi Code, that just requires text and is for Units.

6 - When you go back to the list of Custom Fields, the one you have created will have been added to the list - and under the covers, to all Units (or Buildings) in the system.

Using Custom Fields

1 - To use a custom field, just go to any Unit or Building (depending on which you've created the template for).

2 - The custom field will be in the Unit and look like a regular field. Store data in it as you would anything else and save.