
Release notes for 5th Sep 2017 (1.8.0):


Improvement: Booking - Emails - We now warn you if you are about to send an email to the default email address the system uses when you create a quick contact. This is because you may think you are sending it to a person but actually you are sending it back to one of your own email addresses. This then allows you to edit the Contact via CRM Contacts and put in the correct email address

Feature: Channels - A new box has been added to channels (Admin - Channel Settings → Channels). Previously if you mapped a channel to a company then only Bookers that worked for this company could have this channel set. The company mapping is used to create automatic commission credit notes. So where you had online channels such as booking.com it meant you had to set the company of each Guest contact to be booking.com so booking.com appeared as a channel option. You can now set the channel to be available to all and it will appear in the list of available channels irrespective if they work for the company or not. We suggest doing this for all Online channels.

Improvement: Bookings - Emails to: The emails to field now has a new option and a change to the way the original options work. The new option is now 'Booking Guests' which will send all emails all guests on the booking. The original options of 'Booking Contact' now send all emails to the booking contact and 'Booking Contact & Guest' now send all emails to the booking contact and to the guests. The previous options were found to be somewhat confusing so we hope this make things more simple.


Feature: Keys - A new status of missing can now be set for a key.

Feature: Stock Items - A new status of missing can now be set for a stock item.

Improvement: Stock Item - When a new stock item is created it automatically create a log item setting it to status = in

Improvement: Keys - When a new Key is created it automatically create a log item setting it to status = in

Improvement: Stock Item - When a stock item is changed to overdue it now creates a log item

Improvement: Keys - When a key is changed to overdue it now creates a log item


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Feature: Reports - Operations - New Report - Key List - This report shows you all keys in the system with filters for key status (in, out, overdue or missing), building and key type (guest, contractor, maintenance etc). 

Feature: Reports - Operations - New Report - Stock List - This report shows you all stock items in the system with filters for item status (in, out, overdue or missing), building and stock type (bed, cot, highchair etc). 


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