
Release notes for 13th April 2017:

Feature: Finance - Invoices - We are introducing a new type of address to invoices called Billing Address. This allows you to have multiple billing addresses added to a CRM Company which you can then select within the booking. Once selected this billing address is then used on the invoice. This is particularly useful for where you are working with Agents who require you to put a specific address on each invoice i.e. C/O HSBC.

Feature: Sales - Commission - You can now edit the commission assigned to a booking after its been created. Just edit the booking and change the commission %, this will trigger a re-calculation of any commission invoices.

Feature: Sales - Email - We have introduced a new scheduled email called 'Door Codes' which can be sent on its own schedule with its own email template. This is to allow door codes to be sent much closer to the arrival date or even the same day as arrival. In order to enable this please ask your ReRum account manager.

Feature: Finance - Invoices - We now show when an invoice has been emailed - the button image changes to Resend Invoice with a closed envelope. We also show on the invoice the date of when it was last emailed.

Feature: Report - New report "Payment Reconciliation Report by Invoice" which allows you to look at all payments received between two dates and see which invoices they are associated with. This helps with credit card and bank reconciliation.

Feature: Sales - Fees - We are introducing a new way to add a Fee to a booking, it allows you to manually add a Fee to a booking. A system Fee called 'Cancellation Fee' is available by default and can be used for manually adding a cancellation fee to a room stay. The cancellation fee will be considered as revenue and appear in reports and the dashboard. We also allow you to create your own Fees via Admin - Finance - Fees, you have the choice if you want the Fee to be included in revenue or not. Fee's are added to a room stay via selecting the room stay in a booking, then selecting the 'Take Fee' button, you can then select the Fee you want to add (note cancellation fee only appears on Cancelled room stays) and what days it applies to & from. When a fee is added it auto creates an invoice for you.

Improvement: Finance - VAT Seasons - You can now edit the end date of the VAT tax season.

Improvement: Sales - Availability Grid Beta - We now allow you to sort by unit type this will order the Units within a Building by Unit Type, i.e. Studio, 1 Bed, 2 Bed, 3 Bed etc.


Improvement: Sales - Availability Grid Beta - We now lock the dates at the top so as you scroll down you can still see what date a particular square is for.

Improvement: Sales - Availability Grid Beta - We now show the Channel in the information you see when you hover over a booking.

Improvement: Sales - Booking - We now show visual indicators next to the tabs in a booking for Activities, Issues, Sales Invoices (posted), Purchase Invoices (posted), Notes & Emails (scheduled). This is to give you a quick indicator of what is in the tab i.e. 2 Notes.

Improvement: Admin - In Admin - Geography - Area menu we have added a tab called development under each area. This allows you to see which developments are under which areas.

Improvement: Admin - Users & Teams - When you create a new user we automatically enable the account.

Improvement: Admin - System Configuration - We have created a new menu for capturing general configuration data to be used in future releases.

Improvement: Operations - Activities - We have removed the character limit on the content box of an activity so you can put much more detail in.

Improvement: Online - Siteminder - We now check to see if we have already received a booking with the reservationID and if we have we discard it, this prevents double bookings when confirmation messages are lost.

Improvement: Online - Rentals United - Updated API to support latest version.

Improvement: Reports - Account Performance by Booking - added Guest column to booking performance section

Improvement: Reports - Landlords Report - Now grouping by Landlord then Building then Unit.

Improvement: Reports - Booker Performance - We now group the data by each booker

Improvement: Sales -  Availability Group Grid - Rentals United - If a unit is not published to Rentals United (via Properties - Unit) then it appears in Red on the Group Grid. It now also only shows Units that are in the group for the period you are viewing.

Fix: Online - Siteminder - Now checks to see if a rate has been soft deleted.

Fix: Sales - Rates - When updating rate segments it was giving a message which suggested it was not saving your changes when it actually was.

Fix: Sales -  Availability Group Grid - Fixed an error where the dates at the top of the grid did not display correctly.

Fix: Sales - Availability Grid (Beta) - Fixed an issue where if the ETA was earlier than 2pm it stopped a booking from being moved back to back with another booking.

Fix: Online - Internet Booking Engine - Fixed an issue where payments via IBE were not creating receipts correctly.

Fix: Finance - Invoices - Fixed an issue where changes to room stay details were causing a full invoice re-calculation