
Release notes for 16th March 2017:

Feature: Sales - Booking - Where you have a booking with multiple room stays on it in either enquiry or quoted state it now ask you when you convert one to pending if you want to loose the other stays automatically. This also allows you to select the reasons they were lost. This is a good way of tidying up your enquiry options that were not selected.

Feature: Sales - Enquiry form - The form is now configurable, you can turn on or off the  Requested information (Unit Types, location and budget per night). This is a system wide parameter that is set in your systems configuration. You should let your ReRum account manager know how you would like it set.

Feature: Sales - Availability Grid (Beta) - The Availability Grid now has an option for overlays, it defaults to no overlay. You can select an overlay of an Availability Group to show on the grid. When an overlay is selected it shades the background of a Unit to show it is in the availability group for the shaded date. This is ideally used to see which units are allocated to a channel manager such as Rentals United or Siteminder.

Feature: Sales - Availability Group - The ability to create your own groups has been added. Just click on the dropdown list of groups and select 'Create New Availability Group' and give it a name and start allocating units to the group.

Feature: Sales - Sole Customer - On the Enquiry form once you have added a Booking Contact you now get a tick box called Sole Customer appear. If you tick this box it automatically sets the Booking Account, Billing Account & the Guest to be the same as the Booking Contact. This is useful for independent bookers.

Improvement: Sales - Option to extend - An option to extend can be added by selecting the room stay and amending it. A date can be selected of when you want to add the option to extend until. It will automatically check for availability to ensure that the option to extend can be added for the selected period.

Improvement: Sales - Booking - Now when moving a room stay from pending to confirmed it warns you if you have not added a guest to the room stay. If emails are set to be sent to guests and you don't add a guest then nothing will be sent out so this is a useful warning.

Improvement: Sales - Availability Grid (Beta) - The hover over details for each Unit has been removed and replaced by a small (info) that needs to be clicked to pop the information box up. When scrolling or moving around the grid the original popups would get in the way so this is a cleaner interface.

Fix: Emails - Option to extend - The option to extend email notification was going out on the wrong date this has now been fixed