
Release notes for 22nd November 2016:

Feature: Siteminder –> ‘Stop Sell Time’ now configurable on each hotel.

Feature: Sales → You can now toggle whether filling the address box is mandatory for CRM companies and contacts when moving a room stay to pending.

Feature: PPM - Scheduled report - looks ahead to calculate future PPM's and gives you a report showing the PPM Activities between two dates.

Feature: CRM/Sales → A new ID Check’ tick box added to CRM contact, This is also show next to the Primary Guest on a booking.

Feature: IBE –> The booking dates from/to are now show on the payment screen below the price.

Feature: Siteminder → now shows last update of Rates, availability & last pull down of bookings on a per hotel basis.

Feature: IBE -> If no availability is returned from a search. It does another search to check the number of nights being requested is greater than the minimum night’s stay set on the rate. If it's below, then it shows a message "The number of nights you are looking for is below the minimum for this building. Please try a stay which is x night or more".

Improvement: More detail on ‘Amend Booking’ > ‘Discount Applied’. Percentage discounts on average nightly stay now displayed.

Improvement: Rate Plans – rate codes now forced to be unique.

Improvement: Siteminder → Changed Siteminder push to 365 days of rates & availability by default.

Improvement: Unit Contract → Label on channel screen/list changed from ‘Operator’ to ‘Company’.

Improvement: Siteminder‘Hotel Name’ column added to ‘Siteminder Hotels’ menu.

Improvement: Siteminder  availability query optomised.

Improvement: Sales → ANR can now accepts 4 figures up to £9999.

Improvement: Finance → Sales Credit label colour changed to red.

Improvement: Finance → Take Payment → If a user is about to refund a customer - i.e. take a payment on a Sales Credit a popup box warning them and asking them to confirm they want to make a refund should be popped up.

Improvement: Sales→ You can no longer send emails to contacts with no email address configured, warning message appears. Change will show the email address beside the name in the ‘To’ box.

Improvement: Link on ‘Help’ menu changed to the new home: https://resharmonics.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RUG/RERUM+User+Manual+Home

Improvement: Error messages have been made more user friendly and comprehensible.

Bug: Sales → Availability Grid → Can't drag end/start day when a booking is on that day. This has been fixed.

Bug: Sales → On hold enquiry, you could put an enquiry on hold even if there was a stay already in the unit. This has been fixed.

Bug: Siteminder → Soft Deleted Siteminder hotels still appeared in the list. This has been fixed.

Bug: Dashboard → Sometime when loading the dashboard an error occurred. This has been fixed.

Bug: Dashboard → When loading the dashboard sometime the figures were not consistent because it was in the middle of a recalculation. This has been fixed.

Bug:  IBE -> payment screen showed NULL nights. This has been fixed.

Bug:  ChannelsA channel could be deleted while it was still attached to a company. This has been fixed.

Bug: Sales → Take Payment button disappears on cancelled booking. This has been fixed.

Bug: The email send screen was showing an N.get error message. This has been fixed.

Bug: Service Delivery Centre → If there were no departures on the day you selected it showed an error. This has been fixed.

Bug: Finance → Used to be unable to update this billing account on a cancelled or lost room stay. This has now been fixed.

Bug: Finance → Invoice due date was taking today’s date even when already posted. This has been fixed.

Bug: Finance → When Changing the finance account 3 times, balancing didn’t work. This has now been fixed

Bug: Finance → Cancelled extras were still being invoiced. This has now been fixed


We have made significant changes to the way the system handles invoices. There are lots of new settings available for invoicing and your account manager can provide advise on the best settings for your business.

In summary:

  • If you don't have auto wrap of invoices turned on then invoice line items will show in the booking which can be manually wrapped into an invoice or the system will autowrap them 48hrs prior to checkin date.
  • Draft invoices are now treated as such and will be changed automatically each time a booking change is made. It will not credit note draft invoices anymore. This will result in less invoices created.
  • If the billing frequency is changed it will auto re-calculate the invoices i.e. single payment to monthly
  • Invoices can now only be posted in invoice date order i.e. you must post Januarys invoice before February's.
  • Invoice dates now controlled by the booking terms which are set against the rate  (i.e. pay on arrival)
  • Warning message now appears when you set billing frequency. to manual, and the billing frequency selection box is then locked. If you change an invoice to Billing Frequency to manual this is for LIFE, you will need to create invoices manually for this booking from then on. It will also delete all draft invoices on this change as well.