
Release notes for 28th October 2016:

Feature: Operations → Housekeeping - new filter at the top of the housekeeping screen which allows you to filter by all activity types i.e. See only Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) activities.

Feature: Sales → Availability Grid - new sort option tick box to allow you to sort via Unit Type i.e. Sorts all Units by size Studio, 1Bed, 2 Bed etc.

Improvement: Admin → Dashboard - Added Unit column to overdue PPM Activities table.

Improvement: Admin → Dashboard - Changed Building to show Unit instead on overdue Activities table.

Improvement: Operations → Issues - when creating a new issue you can now back date the reported date.

Feature: Sales → Extensions  - When extending a Checked-in stay it now creates the new room stay as normal but pushes the room stay straight through to pending.

Improvement: Sales → Availability Grid - Dates at the top now freeze so its easier to see what date you are looking at when you scroll down.

Feature: CRM → Contacts - You can now attach files to a CRM Contact via the attachments tab i.e. photoID picture upload.

Feature: Property - Exemplars - Under each Unit you can now specify which system exemplar you want it to use i.e. Change Cleaning day from Tuesday to a Wednesday.

Improvement: Sales → Lost Enquiry - When an enquiry was lost from the enquiry form with no unit being associated to it it would default to the first Unit in the first building. We have now created a dummy unit to associate these losses to so it doesn't affect your reporting.

Bug: Sales → Option to Extend - When a room stay was checked-out the option to extend still locked availability. This has been fixed.

Improvement: Finance → Sales Invoices - The sales Invoice view now show the account code of the billing/finance account.

Improvement: Sales → Quick Create Contact - When quick creating a contact it now copies your text from the search bar into the quick create contact popup, saving you having to re-type it.

Improvement: Sales -> Search More Contacts - When searching for a contact (i.e. in Booking Contact) and you get the option button appear to search a bigger lists of contacts it now copies your text from the search bar into the more contacts popup, saving you having to re-type it.

Improvement: Admin → Changed menu title of Admin → Activities Types to Admin → Activities Settings

Improvement: Sales → Emails - Currently if you change a CRM Contact email address it goes through all emails sent to that Contact and changes the email address. With this fix it will leave sent emails with the old email address and just use the new email address for future or scheduled emails.

Feature: Sales → Emails - Under the emails tab on a Booking you now see scheduled emails and when they are due to be sent. Once they are sent they change to show sent and the date & time they were sent out. You can also cancel a scheduled email so you can send it by hand.

Feature: CRM → Companies - We have a new section called Email Defaults on a Company record which allow you to set where you would like automated emails to be sent to by default for this company. i.e. you can decide to have it as the system default today (Booking Contact & Guests) or change it so that emails always goto the Booking Contact (this is useful where you are acting on behalf of an agent who doesn't want you to communicate with guests directly)

Feature: Sales → Booking - We have a new drop down box on each booking for "Send Emails To" - this will default to the Email Defaults setting in CRM Companies but can be overwritten on a per booking basis.

Feature: Operations → Activities - All overdue system created activities (i.e. weekly cleans, pre-arrival checks, checkout cleans etc) will be auto closed at 12:30am every day. This will hopefully tidy up your activity views. This can be turned off and on.

Feature: CRM → Companies - Credit Limits warnings. Under each CRM Company record you can turn on credit limits and give them a limit i.e £100k. The system now does a check every time you add a booking to the system to see if the Billing Account has remaining credit. If they do not it will not block the booking but will send a notification to your nominated internal finance email address to warn them.

Feature: Operations → Activities - You can now create new Activity Templates to be added to Extras. For example you add a Cot extra to a booking you can have it auto create an activity for operations to take the Cot to the unit and another Activity to pick the cot up at the end of the stay. These activities can be auto created when the extra is added to the booking.