
Release notes for 26th Feb 2018 (1.23.0):


Improvement: Availability Grid - Now shows today's date in the form of a highlighted column (in green behind the bookings).


Feature: Key Sets - Auto checkout keys to guest after set hours  - You first select a Primary Guest Key set for each Unit (see picture below), this way the system will allocate this primary key set where it is available (i.e. checked in) to the upcoming stay in that Unit. You then setup in Admin - System Config - Operations tab the "Auto Checkout Hour" i.e. 20:00hrs. Once this time is reached each day it will auto checkout the primary key to the guest on todays arrival.



Improvement: Buildings - The PDF Access Code template layout has been improved. Access codes can be found in Building → Access Codes → (Left side is a blue text saying "print to pdf") and also in Admin → Properties → Access Codes. 


Improvement:  Companies & Contacts. Currently If a company and contact are created and have the same first three digits/charachters in their name then they would have been allocated the same account ID. This has now been changed so the account code are unique across the entire system. 


Feature: Sales Purchases now has the same features as Sales Invoices in terms of downloading a pdf of the invoice, sending invoices and reversing invoices. It also shows you financial allocations to the purchase invoices and the ability to edit a purchase invoice in posted status i.e. invoice address. 


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Improvement: E-Arrivals now functions even when there are no unit primary images uploaded. Previously an Error 500 message would appear.


Feature: System Config → Operations -

Auto Checkout Guest Keys: This switches this feature on/off.
Auto Checkout Notification: When switched on it will send an email to your Operations email address with the status of daily checked out keys. (if an operations email is set in the system config - notifications tab)
Auto Checkout Hour: Is the time of day you would like to trigger the auto checkout of keys i.e. 20:00hrs, this should be after the standard checkin time i.e. 15:00hrs.
Feature: System Config → Your Company Details - Company infomation is now used in the form of a created company. You can search for companies in this field and assign your company to it. 

Feature: System Config → Finance - Footer Invoice Line 1 & 2 allows you to add additional infomation to the bottom of invoices. 

Improvement: Sales Credit - The sales credit template now has brackets to make it clear it is a credit value.