Adding a Company to a Rate.

This page will show you how to assign a company to a Rate. 

  1. Click on Admin → Rate Plan and select the Rate Plan you would like to add a company to. 

2. Once the Rate Plan is opened, click on Edit Rate Plan. 

3. A button should appear under Companies called "Select Companies"  which when clicked will show you a list of companies.

4. Click on the company you would like to add. You can add more than one company by clicking on a company, cancel then select company again. which will create a list of companies assigned to a rate.Click Update and it will add them on. 

5. This Rate will now only appear to contacts within the company and are not available to everyone.

E.g when creating an enquiry with a person who is not in a company the rate will not appear, if you make the booking contact someone within the companies, the rate will appear.