
Release notes for 1st Feb 2018 (1.21.0)


Feature: Booking Page - Take Payment Button - This new feature allows you to choose from mutiple payment methods. You now have Bank Payment, Cash Payment and Offline Payment. These allow you to state you have taken a form of payment for an invoice. 

Improvement: Email to Preference on Bookings - Send Emails To,  on the booking page when set to just Guests when no guest were assigned, an error would appear. In order to send emails to a guest, a guest will need to be assigned to the room stay. 



Feature: Bulk Edit in Activities - You can now have the option to select multiple activities on the activity screen and bulk edit. You can assign the selected activities to an assignee or change the status of the selected activities. Note: Activities can't be moved from Open to Closed, they need to be started first. 

This is the page you will get when you select bulk edit, this allows you to choose an assignee and a status to set for the mutiple actvities you have selected - 


Improvement: Property→ Unit → Intergrations,  shows Rate Name and Code when you select a rate plan and not just Rate Name in the Rate Field. 


Feature:  Company Email Template - When the Override Default Email Template button is switched on, Companies can now choose which Scheduled Emails can be sent to the guest when they are switched on and off.  They can override the email template which are used normally in bookings to use the selected emails. 

This can be found within CRM → Company → Email Template Tab. 


Feature: Vat Profile, To allow the reports to use VAT profiles dynamically we need to specify a default VAT profile for the system. Each system will need to select a default vat profile. To do this. You will need to go to Admin → Finance → Vat Profile, select the Vat Profile you would like as a default, turn on the Primary Profile button. 



Feature: Actvity Tick List 

On the Mobile App you can now view tick lists in Activities. This allows you to view a checklist if an Activity has one and then be able to tick off the checklist, once this is done the activity can be completed.


Rentals United:

Feature: LandLordID button to Admin Users. When you click on Get ID in Admin → System Configuration → Rentals United. It will generate an ID along with the rest of the credentials. Note: First name, Last Name, Email Address and Telephone Number will need to be filled in in order to generate the I.D  


The Xero Intergration Tab has now been made available to Admin Users in order to intergrate with Xero. 


Feature: Lock Timer 
Admin → System Configuration → Setting → Lock Timer.

This feature is used to unlock locked bookings that have been left in the system. For instance if a person had left the system and kept a booking in edit mode, after a peroid of time (configured), it will be able to be edited again by other users. 

Feature: Booking Type Email Scheduled - This has been re-designed to look better for user and allows you to choose what emails are sent per booking type. You can now for different booking types have different emails which are sent out. Booking types are selected on the booking screen. 

This is in Admin → Booking Settings → Booking Types. 

Improvement : Rates: Drop Down Dates are now fixed, the original issue was that when selecting dates to view rate segments it would not naviagte to the right date. This has now been fixed and the navigation between dates should take you correctly to the dates selected.