
Release notes for 4th Jan 2018 (1.19.0):


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Feature: Issue - Duplicate Issue - You can now duplicate an existing issue. This will copy across all the information and set the status to open.

Improvement: Issue - Added Sales Invoice Tab & Purchase Invoice tab to the Issues view. You can now add sales or purchase invoices directly from an issue.

Improvement: Key Locations - Now supports file attachments


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Improvement: Companies - Bank Details - Added bank details fields onto the company profile within the CRM. You can now store company bank details, particularly useful for owners/landlords that you need to make payments to.


Feature: Purchase Invoice - Charge to owner - A new button is added to Purchase Invoices which allows you to quickly create a Sales Invoice from a Purchase Invoice. This is particualary useful where you want to re-charge a landlord/owner for maintenance work you have carried out. Clicking on the button on the purchace invoice will launch a new Sales Invoice screen.

Improvement: System Config - Finance Tab - We now store your company bank details in the Finance tab of system configuration. This will be used on the invoice pdf templates so that it can be changed easily.

Improvement: Admin - Finance - Nominal Codes - Nominal codes can now be deleted if not in use (not associated with a product or specified in system config).


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Improvement: Rentals United - We now prevent the move of Rentals received bookings from being moved to published units that are NOT currently made available via the Group Grid. This prevents ReRum and Rentals United getting out of synch.


Feature: Xero App - ReRum now supports Xero tracking categories on Sales Invoices. This allows each unit/property to be associated with a Tracking Category and passed up to Xero as part of the invoice information. The tracking category is setup in Xero first and the Tracking Category ID is copied in to System Config - Xero tab (only viewable if the app is enabled).

Once configured, each invoice will send up a Category option of the Unit's cost centre (in the example images - 128 is the cost centre)

Improvement: Xero - We now allow mapping of Admin - Finance - VAT Profiles to Xero TAX code types. This is useful when adding a new VAT Profile or for international clients not using UK Tax codes.

Improvement: Xero - We now export to Xero all reconciliations between invoices in ReRum i.e. reconciling a Sales Credit against a Sales Invoice.

Improvement: Xero - We now export to Xero purchase invoices & credits.


Improvement: Admin - Finance - Currencies - Improved to allow you to select a primary currency for the system. You can only ever have one primary currency. This controls the currency used across the system.