
Release notes for 28th February 2017:

Feature: Sales - Availability Grid - New Availability Grid is available in Beta, this can be found under the Sales Menu and will run along side the current Availability Grid. We would appreciate any feedback you have on the new grid.

Feature: CRM - Companies - Each company now has a new button 'Performance Report' that when clicked will automatically launch the Account Performance Report with this company filtered and last month set as the dates so you can quickly check the performance of each of your Companies.

Feature: Property - Unit Contracts - You can now add a commission associated with each Unit Contract i.e Commission charged to landlord. In a later release this will be used to calculate commission revenue on the landlords report.

Improvement: Operations - Housekeeping - Housekeeping screen now shows the Unit name on each Activity.

Improvement: Operations - Housekeeping - Team filter now shows just housekeeping teams rather than all teams.

Fix: Finance - Reconcile - Card Type was not mandatory when reconciling a card payment.

Fix: System - Users & Teams - Now encodes password the first time you create a new user account

Fix: Sales - Bookings - The add extras screen only showed a max of 20 extras now it shows them all