
Release notes for 20th February 2017:

Feature: Finance - We now support deposit invoices. A new button will appear on a booking that has room stays that are in pending or confirmed called 'Take Deposit'. This will auto create a deposit invoice that can be auto credit noted when refunded back to to the Guest.

Feature: Finance - Card fees can now be added when taking a payment through the system. Fee amounts are setup in Admin->Finance→ Card Fees and can be a % or fixed fee i.e. £2 for debit cards. The card fees are added at the point of payment and the default % or fixed amount can be overrode at that point. When a successful payment is taken a separate Card Fees invoice is produced with the card fee charged on it, these fees are automatically shown on the payment receipt.

Feature: Booking - When in a booking we now show the number of Notes you have on this booking by putting the number in red next to the tab label. This makes it very easy to see if you have notes on this booking.

Feature: Property - Units, you can now set the order units appear. Often in lists you see Unit 1 next to Unit 10 rather than Unit 2 because it used to use the Unit name to sort on and 10 comes before 2 when doing alphanumeric ordering. Each Unit now has a sort order box which you can add a numeric value to. The value should be between 0 & 999, 0 being the highest. Unit 1 would get sort order 1, Unit 2 would get sort order 2 and so on that way it will then show them in numerical order. The current Availability Grid doesn't support this yet, the new Grid launching into Beta in the next couple of weeks does support it.

Feature: Dashboard - New Dashboard metrics boxes have been added showing you revenue today via your top 5 Channels. i.e. if AirBnB is your biggest channel it will show with the amount of revenue you have done today via AirBnB. It only shows your top 5 channels, one per box.

Feature: Dashboard - New table showing revenue by channel today and this month. This way you can see more than just your top 5 and see how the daily revenue compares to the top this month.

Improvement: Finance - Reconcile screen now keeps state if you swap between tabs.

Improvement: Operations - Key Sets & Stock Items have been moved from the Admin menu to the Operations menu.

Improvement: Dashboard - Now uses off days to calculate Occupancy figures (i.e. days out to maintenance are deducted from occupancy).

Improvement: Reports - Occupancy & Revenue report now uses off days to calculate Occupancy figures (i.e. days out to maintenance are deducted from occupancy),

Improvement: Reports - Rates report, we added a new column for Billing Account.

Improvement: Booking - When a room stay is selected we now show the Rate name it was booked on and whether the booking terms are Pay on Arrival (POA) or Pay on Booking (POB).

Improvement: Users & Teams - We now default users with certain security roles to different launch pages when they login. Anybody with Admin rights will goto the dashboard anyone with Sales will go to the sales centre and anybody with just operations user will go to the Service Delivery Centre. This means you can provide access to cleaning staff and not have them see your financial figures on the dashboard.

Fix: Finance - Sales Invoice Search now includes invoices where customer reference field is blank.

Fix: IBE - Tidied up formating of the price when there is no VAT charged.