
Release notes for 22nd December 2016:

Improvement: Online - Siteminder - Remove API username and passwords from screen (tidy up).

Improvement: Online - Siteminder - The ability to immediately stop sell all units on a hotel (emergency stop), this is a tick box on the Siteminder hotel.

Improvement: Online - Internet Booking Engine - Now supports the ability to requests just checkin/checkout dates and all buildings rather than having to specify a building.

Fix: Admin - Rates - The check for a unique rate code now doesn't consider deleted rates.

Improvement: Reports - New KPI (Key Performance Indicators) folder with a selection of key reports used by most customers.

Fix: Reports - Booking pickup & wash report has been fixed & validated.

Improvement: Reports - Debtors report now has a filter of billing type so you can see how an invoice was paid (credit card, on account etc).

Improvement: Reports - Rates Report - Added occupancy column.

Improvement: Reports - Rates Report - Changed ANR & AWR to be in period selected (i.e. between two dates)

Fix: Admin - Emails - When emails were manually edited before sending it was adding ? into the email due to a formatting error.

Fix: Online - Siteminder - Rerum was ignoring the vat inclusive/exclusive flag on bookings sent back from Siteminder which caused incorrect invoice values.

Fix: Sales - Take Payment - We now stop users from taking a payment that is greater than an individual invoice line item value.

Improvement: Sales - Take Payment - When you add the credit card number it now auto detects the card type.