Video - Adding Images to Properties

Video - Adding Images to Unit Types

Property images are used in various parts of the system including quote emails & Apartment browser. Because these images are sent out to customer via email and web links they should not be too large in size. We recommend images of 200kb or less.

Steps to adding an image:

1 - Find the property you want to add an image to - Properties > Developments/Unit Types > Development/Unit Type X
2 - Click on the images tab
3 - Click on the 'Add Image' button
4 - From your local computer find the first image you want to upload
5 - Select the image and click open
6 - Follow the same process to add all the images you want associated with this Development.
7 - Select the image you want to be the primary image, by selecting the primary radio button. The primary image is the one used in the emails that get sent out to guests.