Creating and Managing Users

Video - Creating and Managing Users

Create a New User

1 - Go to Admin menu, User & Team Settings and select Users.

2 - This will show you a list of all users in the system. To view or modify any user, just click on the row. To add a new User, click on Add User.

3 - This will give you the New User view, ready for you to fill in.

4 - Fill in the basic information, such as name, username, email address, etc. The password can be changed at a later stage.

5 - Allocate the user to a team by clicking on the search button next to the team field.

6 - Pick the team you wish to allocate them to. You will need to have created teams prior to this step. Here we will select Reservations.

7 - Enable the user if they should be active straight away.

Managing Users

2.0 - Security Roles

1 - Select which access rights the user should have. Please see the User Security Matrix to see what the roles entail.

2 - Save the user.

2.1 - Change User Password

1 - If you would like to change the users password, go back to the user from the Admin menu and select the Change Password button located at the bottom of the page. 

2 - Here you can update the password and then select update user at the top right of the page. (blue box) which will update the password. 

2.2 - View Users in a Team

1 - Go to the teams from the Admin menu and click on the team you are interested in.

2 - Click on the 'Users' tab, where you will see all the users associated to that team. Click on the user to view their details.